WTMP Mentor Application
Please fill out this application by January 5th.
Thank you for your interest in volunteering as a mentor and/or critique mentor for the Write Team Mentorship Program! Since 2020, WTMP has focused on community and strived to provide writers with a support system as they move forward in their writing journey. We dedicate ourselves to diversity, inclusion, and opening doors for others.
WTMP is a mentorship program where writers will enter a weighted lottery to participate in #WTPitch, a Twitter pitch event. WTMP's selected mentors and critiquers will like pitches as an invitation to send their submission package for review.
WTMP mentors will choose one mentee from #WTPitch for a 4-month mentorship program with the option to be open ended. The mentor will be responsible for providing career, querying, and revision guidance for their mentee's current work as well as a full manuscript review. The terms of your mentorship will be open for you and your mentee to discuss and decide upon together.
This is a great option for helping even when you're short on time!
WTMP critiquers can select submission packages from #WTPitch and will provide a critique of the query, synopsis, and first 25 pages by May 30.
You may apply for both the mentorship and submission package review tracks, or either individually.
To be a WTMP mentor/critiquer, you should have traditional publishing experience on the writer's side. This includes agented/published authors, mentees who have completed a publishing mentorship program (AMM, PitchWars, WriteMentor, etc.), or active participants in the writing community with their own network of support they can extend to their mentee. Applicants' qualifications will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
March 1, 2023: WTMP participant applications open
March 30, 2023: WTMP participant applications close
April 15, 2023: WTMP participants notified of selection
April 30, 2023: #WTPitch Event on Twitter 08:00AM EST to 08:00PM EST
May 30, 2023: Mentees announced. Submission package reviews due.
September 2023: After the 4-month mentorship program, mentees and mentors are interviewed to share mentee's current work and career focus.
Please fill out this application by January 5th. We will send more mentor information before our public announcement on January 30th.
As of the submission of this application, you consent to sharing your email address with the WTMP team and mentors who are interested in your application materials.