Kerbie Addis
Age Category: Young Adult, Adult
Genre: Fantasy, Horror, Sci-Fi, Speculative Fiction, Thriller
MSWL: I love dark stories. Period. But if we have to get specific, haha, I like books that blend dark, genre fiction with accessible storytelling. I love fantasy, sci if, horror, and thrillers (with a speculative twist). I appreciate narratives that delve into the eerie and unsettling, with clever twists that remain character-driven. While I enjoy fantasy settings and sci fi, I prefer works that emphasize plot and character over intricate scientific details or heavy Tolkien-esque lore.
Kerbie has a Master's in Library Science and work as the librarian for a nonprofit. Previously, she worked as the marketing director for a bookstore, interned for the Bent Agency, and participated as a mentor in Pitch Wars, Author Mentor Match, and Teen Pit. She was agented for five years, but they recently amicably parted ways. She currently live in Philly with her partner, our toddler, three cats, and a dog too fluffy for her own good.